Alice Chuang


謝謝你~黃牧師在我們一起同工的日子裏,順便也當了我想像中的溫柔爸爸ㄧ角~ 在接下來的日子中,我會非常的想念你在教會的溫柔笑容和常常開玩笑的話語。~你那溫柔派的父愛會常常在我的心裡。

永遠的思念~ Alice


Thank you for walking along with me~

I have never experienced the love of a father in life, nor do I understand what it is like to be protected by a father, let alone what it is like to be cared by my father? What is the father? What is the father role in the family? I can only guess about it from books, TV or movies. The church has always been a residence for my soul, even I don’t have a family grow up with, but looking at the many older pastors in the church, I often wonder if I have a father by my side, would it be like the pastor? ? I always thought older pastors is a bit serious or not able to make many jokes, but Pastor Huang is not like that. Although Pastor Huang can be regarded as a pastor at the age of my father’s generation, he always speaks softly, has a gentle personality and he often joke with us. He always discusses things with me with a smile, no matter how tired we were, we endure our temper and do things together, and often talk about his embarrassment moments to make everyone laugh. I often think that maybe a father can also be gentle, or have fun with their children right? ? Thank you~ Pastor Huang you are the gentle dad I imagined in the days when we were working together~

In the days to come, I will miss your gentle smile and your jokes so much but your gentle father's love figure will always be in my heart.

Miss forever ~ Alice

Thank God for allowing us to serve together in family ministry~


Tiffany Wang

